Photography in its early days was not considered to be an art form. Instead, it was primarily used for documentation in various fields such as science, medicine, and criminology. It seems that a similar trend is occurring with artificial intelligence today. This observation inspired me to delve into the history of photography and create a fictional criminal case where I collaborate with AI as my investigative partner. I produced the photographs, while the AI generated the accompanying texts and fictional documents.
This endeavor led me to consider another aspect of the history of criminal cases and the impact of AI on them today.
During the period of the USSR, particularly under Stalin’s regime, many arrests were fabricated through the falsification of documents. In the present day, AI can be used not only to falsify documents but also to create fake videos and audio recordings.
With this project, I aim to put under suspicion not the AI itself but rather our understanding of it. I tried to explore the process of creating such a fictional narrative and to examine how we can discern the fine line between truth and deception. Through this exploration, I hope to shed light on the ethical implications of AI in the context of historical and contemporary documentation.

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